Malecki Brooks Ford Law Group, LLC | Healthcare Law

Fiercely Loyal, Laser-Focused

Menstrual Leave

The Washington Post recently published an article about menstrual leave, which is an idea that’s gaining popularity in the U.S. but is rarely initiated due to a variety of reasons. The article dug into the many complications and remaining questions about its overall legality amongst current laws, fairness to men in the workplace and inherent privacy and logistical issues. From The
Washington Post, May 25, 2022.

As you can see, this issue is complicated and seems to leave more questions than answers, regardless of how well-meaning it is. Remember, before you or your HR team try to lay the groundwork for this employment benefit, first, consult with a lawyer who can guide you through the nuances of the initiative and raise the flags that we discussed in this article. We’ll continue to keep you up to date on our platform too as details in this space become more clearly defined.